Rogue River Valley, Oregon - Southern Oregon is divided into three main river basins; the Umpqua River, the Rogue River, and the Klamath Basin. The Umpqua meets the Pacific at Reedsport, the Rogue mouth is near Gold Beach, and the Klamath empties at the Redwoods National Park in Northern California. All three rivers have their headwaters in the Cascade Mountains on the slopes of Crater Lake, Oregon's only national park. The Rogue River is a designated National Scenic River, and formed much of the backdrop for the Meryl Streep movie "The River Wild." Jet boat trips and white water rafting are very popular.

Rogue River Valley

Rogue River Valley, Oregon - A beautiful place to visit, a wonderful place to live. Come and find a place to call your own. Southern Oregon is a great place to own a home and grow your family.

Rogue River Valley

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Rogue River Valley - Oregon Travel Guide

Articles from the Historical Society in Josephine County Oregon

Touchdown Willie Heston


back pension came to $375.00, which was considered a substantial amount of money in 1894. A good wage at that time was $1.75 per day.

With this new security, the family was free to move west and decided that Grants Pass, Oregon was going to be their destination. After the Heston's arrived in Grants Pass, they settled on a farm owned by Shelby Mitchell whose wife, was a sister to Martin's mother, Hester Ann Gray Heston.

The farm was locted in the Fruitdale area, where Gaffney Way is now. It was 1894 and Martin, now sixteen, was allowed to go to school once more. He completed the eighth grade in May of that year.

During the school year Martin became interested in a girl named Mable Wade. Martin found work digging a mining ditch to supply water for a local placer mine. Martin was let go and was so dissapointed and embarrassed to have Mable find out that he vowed he would be as independent as he could be for the rest of his life.

At that time the Southern Pacific Railroad was purchasing two foot Douglas fir firewood for $2.50 per cord. With his fathers help they cut about one cord a day. Martin personally cut and hauled 30 cords to town in his father's wagon. He also canvassed homes in Grants Pass and sold stovewood. One of his clients was Professor Champ Price, the high school principal.

Mr. Price suggested that Martin should start high school, which he did, in 1895 at the two story brick Grants Pass High School on Gilbert Creek. (The old Washington Jr. high occupies that spot now.) It wasn't long before Martin's speed was discovered. The school did not have football or baseball, but did have foot races, which at the short distances (100 yds) Martin won with ease, however, in the 220-yard dash, Ernie Stiles quite often was the winner.

Martin also enjoyed ... Continued - Page 4

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Rogue River Valley, Oregon - The Siskiyou Mountains stretch between the Cascade Mountains and the Coast Range at the California border. The entire area is more vertical than most other parts of the state, which leads to numerous waterfalls, lots of whitewater rapids, and some spectacular scenery. Rogue River Valley is outside the main population centers of the state and the area has a very rural flavor. Major industries are tourism, wood products and agriculture. The climate is generally milder and more Mediterranean than North Western Oregon. Average rainfallis about 20 % lower and the temperatures are a bit higher.